CHEWV is a ministry established to encourage and support West Virginia families in the exercise and defense of their God-given responsibility and Constitutional freedom to train and educate their children at home. CHEWV strives to impart a vision of family life which inspires Christian families to disciple their children and
to assist those families in accomplishing their vision with excellence. CHEWV seeks to further the interests of all parents who choose to educate their own children at home by all lawful means; to support homeschooling families through practical service; and to promote homeschooling as a valuable means to strengthen families, as well as an environment that facilitates discipleship of children in the Christian faith. CHEWV works to promote public understanding and the formation of public attitudes which are favorable to homeschooling by communicating the values, motivations and achievements of home educated children and their families. We firmly believe that the homeschooling freedoms we collectively enjoy, are the gift of God. Because we believe that parental, religious, and homeschooling freedoms are endowed by our Creator and protected in our Constitution, we advocate from a strong position. As a result, the freedoms of all law-abiding families, Christian or not, are defended.