Homeschool Freedom Responds to Harvard Kennedy School’s Webinar
The Post-Pandemic Future of Homeschooling
From May 6 – June 17, 2021, Harvard Kennedy School hosted a weekly webinar on homeschooling.
As an introduction to their webinar, Harvard wrote:
“Homeschooling has been undergoing a transformation in recent years. In the wake of Covid-19, early evidence also indicates that millions of parents began homeschooling during recent school closures. However, as homeschooling evolves, there remain many important questions about the practice. The purpose of this conference is to improve understanding of critical topics in homeschooling by considering empirical research, expert analysis, and parents’ experiences with homeschooling.”

After each panel, Homeschool Freedom responded with a round-table discussion on the Webinar Topic.
Homeschool leaders from across the country discussed the research, data, and perspectives presented in
The Post-Pandemic Future of Homeschooling.
May 6
Is it time for a change to homeschool law?
Does the law on homeschooling need to be revised? What are appropriate restrictions on homeschooling? What rights should homeschoolers have?
Harvard Kennedy School Webinar
Harvard Kennedy School Webinar
Michael Donnelly, Senior Counsel, Homeschool Legal Defense Association
Eric Wearne, Professor, Kennesaw State University
James Dwyer, Professor, College of William and Mary
Homeschool Freedom Response
Homeschool Freedom Response
Pam Lucashu, Legislative Liaison, TEACH-CT
Tara Bentley, Executive Director, Indiana Association of Home Educators
May 13
Growth and diversity in post-pandemic homeschooling
What is homeschooling? Who homeschools their children? Has Covid-19 altered the homeschooling landscape?
Harvard Kennedy School Webinar
Harvard Kennedy School Webinar
Sarah Grady, Statistician, US Department of Education
Brian Ray, President, National Home Education Research Institute
Cheryl Fields Smith, Professor, University of Georgia
Homeschool Freedom Response
Homeschool Freedom Response
Carolyn Martin, Director of Government Relations, Christian Home Educators of Colorado
Matthew McDill, President, North Carolinians for Home Education
Tara Bentley, Executive Director, Indiana Association of Home Educators
May 20
Are homeschoolers prepared for life?
How is the academic preparation of homeschoolers? What trends do they see in life outcomes?
Harvard Kennedy School Webinar
Harvard Kennedy School Webinar
Christian Wilkens, Professor, State University of New York, Brockport
Jennifer Jolly, Professor, University of Alabama
Robert Kunzman, Professor, Indiana University
Homeschool Freedom Response
Homeschool Freedom Response
Yvonne Bunn, Director of Support & Government Affairs, Home Educators Association of Virginia
Joe Bailey, President, Homeschool Iowa
Dr. Jay Wile, Professor, Anderson University, Author, Berean Builders
Copper Webb, Governor, Homeschool Community Foundation
May 27
Are homeschoolers socially isolated?
How involved are homeschoolers in their local communities?
Harvard Kennedy School Webinar
Harvard Kennedy School Webinar
Daniel Hamlin, Professor, University of Oklahoma
David Sikkink, Professor, University of Notre Dame
Michael McShane, Director of National Research, EdChoice
Homeschool Freedom Response
Homeschool Freedom Response
Jenn Snyder, President, Homeschool New York LEAH
Rebecca Kocsis, General Manager, Christian Home Educators Association of California
Sheri Payne, Director of Leadership Support, Home Educators Association of Virginia
June 3
Are homeschoolers socially isolated?
What do we know about the incidence of child and sexual abuse that occurs in schools and in homeschool households?
Harvard Kennedy School Webinar
Harvard Kennedy School Webinar
Charol Shakeshaft, Professor, Virginia Commonwealth University
Angela Dills, Professor, Western Carolina University
Martin West, Professor, Harvard Graduate School of Education
Homeschool Freedom Response
Homeschool Freedom Response
Scott Woodruff, Senior Counsel, HSLDA
Dr. Brian Ray, President, National Home Education Research Institute
Tara Bentley, Executive Director, Indiana Association of Home Educators
June 10
Is homeschooling an international movement?
What trends in homeschooling are occurring internationally?
Harvard Kennedy School Webinar
Harvard Kennedy School Webinar
Ari Neuman & Oz Guterman, Professors, Western Galilee College
Philippe Bongrand, Professor, CY Cergy Paris University
Christine Brabant, Professor, University of Montreal
Albert Cheng, Professor, University of Arkansas
View Ari Neuman’s and Oz Guterman’s Slides Here
View Philippe Bongrand’s Slides Here
Homeschool Freedom Response
Homeschool Freedom Response
Gerald Huebner, Chairman, Global Home Education Exchange
Dr. Roger Smith, Director of Leadership Development, Homeschool Louisiana
Sherri Seligson, Curriculum Author and Scientist
Stephanie Lambert, Executive Director, Texas Home School Coalition
June 17
Parents’ Experiences with Homeschooling
What is it like to homeschool? What are the reasons? Has Covid-19 changed the homeschooling experience?
Harvard Kennedy School Webinar
Harvard Kennedy School Webinar
Lead Panelist
Michael Horn, Co-Founder, Clayton Christensen Institute and Homeschooling Parent
Parent Panelists
Valerie Bryant
Caprice Corona
Karen Dematos
Ann McClure
Douglas Pietersma
Homeschool Freedom Response
Homeschool Freedom Response
Tara Bentley, Executive Director, Indiana Association of Home Educator
Jenn Snyder, President, Homeschool New York LEAH
Rebecca Kocsis, General Manager, Christian Home Educators Association of California
Ginny Yurich, Marketing and Social Media Director, Michigan Christian Homeschool Network