Top Ten Reasons to Attend Your State’s Homeschool Day at the Capitol
As homeschooling parents who deeply value the freedom to educate our children at home, it’s crucial to recognize and participate in opportunities that safeguard these liberties. Capitol Day is not just an event; it’s a celebration of our homeschool freedom and a powerful statement of our commitment to our children’s education. Here are the top ten reasons why attending your state’s Capitol Day is of paramount importance:
Direct Impact on Legislation
Your presence provides a unique opportunity to dispel negative stereotypes by allowing legislators to meet homeschooling families in person. This interaction can influence their understanding and decisions on future legislation that may impact homeschoolers.
Build Relationships with Legislators
Before any problematic legislation arises, it’s vital to develop relationships with our legislators. These connections ensure that our voice is heard when it matters most, fostering a proactive approach to homeschool advocacy.
Hands-On Civics Lesson for Students
Capitol Day serves as a practical, engaging civics lesson for children, demonstrating the workings of government and the importance of active participation in our Constitutional Republic.
Accountability to Homeschool Freedom
Attending Homeschool Day at the Capitol sends a clear message to legislators that homeschool families are vigilant about our freedoms and will hold elected officials accountable for protecting our God-given right to educate our children as we see fit.
Encouragement and Engagement
It provides an invaluable source of encouragement for homeschool families, reminding us of the importance of staying engaged in the fight to maintain our educational freedoms.
Sense of Camaraderie
Participating families enjoy a sense of belonging to a larger community, reminding us that we are not alone in our home education endeavors or as we work to protect homeschool freedom.
Visibility and Advocacy
Your presence increases visibility in the Capitol, ensuring that homeschoolers’ voices are heard and considered in the legislative process, thereby advocating for homeschool freedom.
Educational for All Ages
Adults and children alike learn about the government process, the significance of the legislative system, and the intricacies of homeschool regulations.
A Rich Field Trip Experience
The Capitol building itself offers a wealth of educational opportunities, making it an excellent field trip location that combines learning with the practical advocacy of homeschooling freedoms.
Inspiration through Guest Speakers
Capitol Day events often include inspiring guest speakers, providing encouragement and community bonding within the legislative setting.
By attending your state’s Homeschool Day at the Capitol, you play an integral role in protecting the freedoms we cherish, educating your children about the value of civic engagement, and demonstrating the positive impact of homeschooling on families and society. Together, we can ensure that our rights to educate our children at home are preserved and celebrated for generations to come.
Below is a list of Alliance-affiliated homeschool organizations, highlighting capitol day or other events and legislative impact opportunities.
- Alabama – Homeschool Alabama – Capitol Day
- Alaska – APHEA (Alaska Private and Home Educators Association) – Legislative Alerts
- Arizona – AFHE (Arizona Families for Home Education) – Homeschool Day at the Capitol
- California – CHEA (Christian Home Educators of California) – Capitol Day
- Colorado – CHEC (Christian Home Educators of Colorado) – Homeschool Day at the Capitol
- Colorado – CHEC (Christian Home Educators of Colorado) – Meet Your Legislator Day
- Connecticut – TEACH-CT (The Education Association of Christian Homeschoolers in CT) – Tips for Meeting with Your Legislator
- Florida – FPEA (Florida Parent Educators Association) – Day at the Capitol
- Georgia – GHEA (Georgia Home Education Association) – Homeschool Day at the Capitol
- Hawaii – CHOH (Christian Homeschoolers of Hawaii) – Legislative Updates
- Idaho – Homeschool Idaho – Legislative Day
- Illinois – ICHE (Illinois Christian Home Educators) – Cherry Pie Day
- Indiana – IAHE (Indiana Association of Home Educators) – Capitol Day
- Iowa – Homeschool Iowa – Capitol Day
- Kansas – CHECK (Christian Home Education Coalition of Kansas) – Homeschool Capitol Day
- Louisiana – Homeschool Louisiana – Homeschool Day at the Capitol
- Maine – Homeschoolers of Maine – Capitol Day
- Maine – Homeschoolers of Maine – Maine Home Education Week
- Maryland – MACHE (Maryland Association of Christian Home Educators) – Homeschool Day at the Capitol
- Massachusetts – MassHOPE (Massachusetts Homeschool Organization of Parent Educators) – Legislative Alerts
- Michigan – MICHN (Michigan Christian Homeschool Network) – Homeschooling Day at the Dome
- Minnesota – MACHE (Minnesota Association of Christian Home Educators) – Homeschool Day at the Capitol
- Mississippi – MHEA (Mississippi Home Educators Association) – Capitol Day
- Missouri – MATCH (Missouri Association of Teaching Christian Homes)
- Nebraska – NCHEA (Nebraska Christian Home Education Association) – Legislative Day
- New Mexico – CAPE-NM (Christian Association of Parent Educators NM) – CAPE at the Capitol
- New York – Homeschool New York – Capitol Day and Albany Day: Letter of Substantial Equivalence
- North Carolina – NCHE (North Carolinians for Home Education) – Capital Fest
- North Dakota – NDHSA (North Dakota Homeschool Association)
- Ohio – CHEO (Christian Home Educators of Ohio) – Capitol Day
- Oklahoma – Homeschool Oklahoma – Legislative Alerts
- Oregon – OCEANetwork (Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network) – Apple Pie Day / Capitol Day
- Oregon – OCEANetwork (Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network) – Freedom Watch
- Pennsylvania – CHAP (Christian Homeschool Association of Pennsylvania)
- South Carolina – SCHEA (South Carolina Home Educators Association) – Day at the Capitol
- Tennessee – THEA (Tennessee Home Education Association) – Rally Day
- Texas – THSC (Texas Home School Coalition) – Lobbying Field Trip
- Utah – UTCH (Utah Christian Homeschool Association)
- Virginia – HEAV (Home Educators Association of Virginia) – Homeschool Day at the Capitol
- Washington – Christian Heritage Home Educators of Washington
- West Virginia – CHEWV (Christian Home Educators of West Virginia) – Homeschool Day at the Capitol
- Wyoming – Homeschoolers of Wyoming – Homeschool Day at the Capitol
Invest in Freedom: Attend Your State's Capitol Day
HSLDA Court Report Article by Zan Tyler, Guest ColumnistZan Tyler is an inspirational speaker, author, and podcaster. She founded SCAIHS (South Carolina Association of Independent Home Schools) in 1990 and has been an advocate for homeschool freedom for more than 30 years. Zan speaks at homeschool conventions, leadership conferences, and capitol day events nationally and internationally. In this uplifting article published in the May 2024 HSLDA Court Report magazine, Zan highlights the positive impact of capitol days across the country from Iowa to Tennessee, California to North Dakota, Idaho to South Carolina, and New York.
HSLDA believes that every child deserves a quality education—and homeschooling is one of the best ways to achieve that. For over 40 years, HSLDA has worked to make homeschooling possible for every family that wants to do it.